Ofertas Jobb i Sweden
Dentists for Sweden
Junta de Castilla y LeónDentists for SwedenNordic Medical Representative Oncology - L’Oréal Dermatological Beauty Division - Stockholm
L'OréalStockholm SwedenDentists for Sweden
Junta de Castilla y LeónDentists for SwedenDescripción :
EURES Arbetsförmedlingen, Health Recruitment Team, is part of the Swedish Public Employment Services and are cooperating with The Swedish Public Dental Care in different regions in Sweden. We will accept your CV and match with Job offers from employers we are in contact with. The CV will be sent to the employers which can be all over Sweden.
General Information for you :
To be able to get a Swedish licence, you need to get your qualifications recognised. You also need to have language skills in Swedish
If you are an EU / EEA citizen you may be eligible for support from EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme. Read more at
- Good English communication skills - Highly motivated to learn Swedish - Registered dentist
within the EU / EEA.
Questions ? Ask me : Gloria Cunha Byström, EURES Sweden : obtenida de : EURES.
Información procedente de : Boletín de Empleo de Castilla y León (Ecyl) .